MMPR 1-2-3
In Mighty Morphing power rangers there were: MMPR season 1 Billy(blue), Kimberly (pink), Jason (red), Zach ( black) Trini (yellow), Tommy (green). they had the dinozords Jason (trynosourus), Zach (mammoth), Billy (triceratops), Kimberly (pteradactyl), Trini (sabertoothed tiger), Tommy (dragonzord). In MMPR season 2 they had the thunderzord Zach (lion) (eventually passed his powers onto Adam), Kimberly (firebird) (eventually passed her powers onto Kat), Jason (red dragon) (eventually passed his powers onto Rockey), Trini (griffen) (eventually passed her powers onto Aisha) Billy (unicorn) Tommie (white ranger) (tigerzord). In MMPR season 3 Billy (blue), Rocky (red), Aisha (yellow), Kat, (pink), Adam, (black) Tommy (white) they had the ninjazords Billy (wolf), Kat (crane), Aisha (bear), Rocky (ape), Adam (frog), Tommy (falconzord) They eventually got the shogunzords Tommy & Kat (white shogunzord), Adam (black Shogunzord), Billy (blue shogunzord, Rocky (red shogunzord) Aisha (yellow shogunzord) They had help from the Alien Rangers: Delphine (white aqauitan), Cestro (blue aqauitan), Aurico (red aqauitan), Tideus (yellow aqauitan), Corcus (black) They had the battle borgs: Delphine (white battle borg), Cestro (blue battle borg), Aurico ( red battle borg), Tideus (yellow battle borg), Corcus (black battle borg).
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