Sunday, December 26, 2004

Dinothunder- Jason David Frank

He had the Brachio staff as his weapon.
He had the brachiozord, and the triassic megazord

Turbo- Jason David Frank

Had the turbo power sword for his weapon.
Had the Red Lightning Turbozord.

Zeo- Jason David Frank

The zords he had were the red battlezord, super zeo 5, zeozord5

MMPR season 2 Jason David Frank

Had a song that went go white ranger go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had saba as his weapon
Had the Tigerzord

MMPR season 1-Jason David Frank

Had a song that went go green ranger go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had the dragon dagger as his weapon.
Had the Dragonzord

Tommie Olivers Past Selves

Dr Jason David Frank (Tommy Oliver) just finished being the black dino thunder power ranger. He was the green mighty morphin power ranger, the white mighty morphin power ranger, the red zeo power ranger, the red turbo power ranger, and just recently, the black dinothunder power ranger.